The Original Affluent Society

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The Original Affluent Society: Reaction Marshall Sahlins sets forth a rather intriguing argument in his article entitled “The Original Affluent Society.” He makes the bold, yet convincing statement that hunter-gatherers have the best methods of living in regard to many aspects of human existence. The quality of life that is possible in this particular lifestyle is like no other. Accordingly, Sahlins adopts a Zen-like worldview to his way of thinking. His main point shows that because of the low standard of living that the hunter-gatherers maintain they are more easily able to meet these standards. The idea speaks of a self-satisfaction that can be attained without difficulty. This allows for a certain kind of affluence. It is important to point out that when Sahlins uses the word “affluence” he intends it with an unconventional definition. He does not refer to richness as the abundance of one’s possessions, but rather as personal comfort. This definition is made clear throughout the whole of the article, and is a crucial distinction to make to grasp his argument. Simply put, the combination of little means and little wants leads to lasting comfort and happiness for the hunter-gatherer. Sahlins discusses what he calls a common misconception that many people today still hold to be true. The view is that the capitalist economy is, without question, far superior to the economy of the hunter-gatherers. He refutes this idea by saying that capitalists are too heavily focused on the possibility of scarcity. He states that the main objective of foragers is to be healthy and ultimately survive. Therefore, the possibility of insufficiency is virtually eliminated. I find it convincing when Sahlins defends this point. He explains that the way hunters go about reaching this end is through the bow and arrow. When the means are sufficient to reach the ends, a balance is met.

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