The Navajo Social Structure

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Navajos The Navajo Reservation is located in the American Southwest; stretching in portions of Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. The Navajo social structure is built around the clan. This is important because it tells us that the clans are important to the Navajos. (Linford, 2000, Page 13). The Navajo people always wanted to make sure that they practiced and tried to make sure that there was always balance and harmony in their lives. This was to make sure that they were happy and this made things easier for them. The Navajo's way of life was taught at a very young age. There are physical and non- physical products that reflect the Navajo culture (Lee, 2006). This is important information because making sure that these things are passed down…show more content…
In the 1930’s there was about 60 or more clans. The clans are matrilineal and matrilocal. They also traced the lineage and settling about the mother of an extended family. “Matrilineal is a system that traces descent and inheritance through the female line. This is not as common as the patrilineal decent groups. The horticultural societies mostly come from the matrilineal groups. Matrilocal is a post marital residence pattern in which a newly married couple reside with the bride’s natal household” (Nowak and Laird, 2010). The fathers’ clan is also important. When asked, the Navajos would introduce themselves as the mother of the clan. (Linford, 2000, Page 13). This is an important thing because it is needed to know who is running the family and what roles that they play in the family. Another thing about the clans is that the main function is to establish the relationship with Dine’. Today, all marriages are determined by the clan. It is considered incestuous to marry someone from either their own mother’s or father’s clan. The Navajo will go to greater lengths to help the clan relative than to help a non-relative to the clan. They will do this even if the clan relative is a complete stranger. This is interesting because it shows how close that the families are to each other and how much that it will help each other out even if they do not know them. This is like if you were to offer to help a second cousin even…show more content…
The Navajos are not really recognized in any other way other than the “residence unit”. The units were organized into bands with local headman. These headmen would yearly gather in a ceremony which gave a kind of tribal organization but the headman would not speak for any other person outside their own band. This was a problem for the Europeans that wanted to try and make the tribe fit a mold of centralized leadership. A lot of times the Spanish would negotiate treaties with the headman only to find out that the headman did not represent the whole population but only a small percentage of the tribe. This threatened some problems between the tribe and the Spanish because the tribe did not feel that they had to abide by the treaties. They have also noted that it may have been misled by the headman into believing that they had more authority than they really did. This caused a lot of confrontations between the Navajos and the whites than were necessary. (Lindman,
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