Justin Swidowski 9/18/10 Professor Elder Belief-O-Matic After taking the Belief-O-Matic quiz, I found that the religion that I am suggested to be is Mormon. This was a bit of a shock to be, but I was not really sure what the Mormon religion was all about. After some research, I discovered exactly what the Mormon religion was all about. It is a polygamist religion that believes that the Bible is true, but incomplete. However, after doing a little more research into the topic, I discovered a list of some of, what seem to me to be, bizarre beliefs along the religious front that Mormons follow.
Even if we were outside my parents would ignore them. I always found this hurtful and mean and it made me sad. I now take the time to talk to Mormons when they come to the door or speak when they see me in public. From my understanding the Mormons have not really contributed to American Culture in any way. There have been many forms of prejudice and discrimination against Mormons since the church has started.
McMinn (2011) suggests that Christian counselors should challenge the majority worldview and reinforce the Christian doctrine. However, the Christian counselor should not be quick to dismiss the secular worldview that stands on the basis of scientific evidence, but find a way to successfully integrate the two. McMinn (2011) indicates that there are also new challenges in defining Christian counseling. Many clients are confused as what Christian counseling really entails (McMinn, 2011). This confusion only further magnified because a majority of religious interventions are not widely accepted by the American Psychological Association due to their lack of scientific foundation (McMinn, 2011).
They believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that God sent His only Son (Jesus) to earth to save humankind from the penalty of their sins. One of the most important concepts in Christianity is that Jesus gave His life on the cross which was called the crucifixion, and then He was buried, and on the third day He rose from the dead which is called the resurrection. This is summarized in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 which is the foundation of Christian belief. Exclusive among all the faiths, Christianity is more about having a relationship with God than religions practices. The goal of a Christian is to develop a close relationship with God through (Word of God) the ministry of Jesus Christ and by the aid of the Holy Spirit.
Despite Bertrand Russell’s fame and the fact that many handbooks and encyclopedias of philosophy show him as a hero, his claims as an expert in religion should be looked into more than they have been. He was an expert at mathematics, but he was not a serious student of history neither did he really show that he was qualified authority on the Gospel of Christ. As we will see, his analysis of Christianity does not reveal someone seeking to know the truth of the primary sources. Since Russell believed that Christianity, like other religions, is harmful because it is untrue, now we need to find out how Russell made the decision that it is false. But it seems as though Russell feels he can rule that Christianity is not only one of its kind and that it is not true.
There are many reasons for why Christians believe in God. Firstly, some Christians believe that the Bible itself is from God, from himself and it is the revealed word of God. Christians believe that what is in the Bible must be true as it is there in the first place. Some, Christians are literalists who take what is in the Bible word for word, however, some are liberalists and understand what is in the Bible as a metaphor, however, still proves that God exists. Additionally, some Christians believe in the ontological argument by St Anselm, which suggests that God cannot not exist and so that it is logical to believe.
In detail we will discuss the relationship between inspiration and inerrancy. And then, before concluding this paper we will discuss how the answers to these questions provide structure to how we as Christians should live our lives. To a Christian who has accepted God as their personal Lord and Savior the Bible has authority. The same should not be said for someone who hasn’t made that confession. As a Christian we have accepted that the Bible contains the true Word of God written by apostles who received divine inspiration to guide the recorded works.
Also, many people do not believe in God. Jung himself countered this argument by stating that atheism itself is a religion. It seems that he will not allow anything to counter his ideas. If his theory is not open to falsification, some would argue that it is meaningless. • Jung’s idea of religious experience – Martin Buber argues that an experience which takes place in the mind, rather than externally to the individual, is not a religious experience.
Christian pluralism is the belief that all other religions are all true ways to God, as well as Christianity, with the exception of Jesus Christ being the only way. In this respect, Christ follows the role of other influential men in the search for God, not the savior who died for the sins of the world. Jesus Christ is the foundation of Christianity. If one removes Christ from Christianity, the faith fails. So what do the pluralists want from Christianity?
All three religions belief in a Holy Scripture, Judaism believes in the Torah, Christianity the Bible and Islam the Quran. Christianity by some can be viewed as a continuation of Judaism, in the sense that both share part of the same book. The Torah is known by Christians as the Old Testament in the Bible. Christianity is mostly based on what is known as the New Testament which is the beginning of Jesus life on planet earth as the son of God. In the Judaism religion it is not believe that the “messiah has come” where as Christians have viewed Jesus as the Messiah who was here once and whom will return again for its followers.