The Mini Case Analysis

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CASE: THE MINI [pic] NPP Yes, they follow the new product process, apply stage-gate approach and obtain a unique, superior product. NPC The Mini is a “New-to-the-Firm” product. Competitive brands, Mazda and Volkswagen, already have this kind of product in the market. With regard to this, the most significant goal is “market share”. “Sales and revenue” is another goal in this direction. BMW has a good brand image and reputation, so, with their new-to-the-firm product; one of their goals is “customer satisfaction” between rivals. Another remarkable goal is “quality and cost” as expected. PIC • Background The BMW Group is the world's leading provider of premium products and premium services for individual mobility as is mentioned in their own mission statement. It is a leader global automobile, motorcycle and engine manufacturing company from America to Europe as well as Asian countries. • Focus Both technology and marketing drivers (dual-drive). Despite they more focus on the marketing drivers, they also focus on technology drivers with superior engineering. The Mini is a fuel efficient, safety and high performance automobile. Focusing marketing driver leads them to provide a huge design options for customers. With collaboration popular car magazines is an important part of marketing in regard to introduce The Mini and it’s unique design and design options. Clubs and organizations are also significant factors. • Goals and Objective As a new-to-the-firm product, goals are market share, sales and revenue, customer satisfaction and quality and cost. To achieve its aims, the company knows how to deploy its strengths with an efficiency that is unmatched in the automotive industry. The strategic objective is clearly defined: The BMW Group is the leading provider of premium products and premium services for individual mobility.

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