The Mind-Body Connection and How This Impacts How We Learn

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The mind-body connection and how this impacts how we learn. The Mind- Body connection of the learning is a mental and physical connection. The mind is its own power. It is the most powerful organ in the body. We experience it every day of our lives in activities, in our logic, thought, memory and creativity. The mind is more powerful than we think. We even use it to reduce or even eliminate pain, illness and disease by using the natural powers it possesses. The mind can also heal. That’s why people say it’s all in your head. What we believe on can be true or becomes true. Our brain is a thinking organ. It learns and grows by interacting with the world. And it easily adapts. We exercise our brain every day stimulation does improve the brain function also it can grow new neurons. Severe mental decline is usually caused by disease, whereas most age-related losses in memory or motor skills simply result from inactivity and a lack of mental exercise and stimulation. In other words, use it or lose it. Only recently have scientists been able to learn how the neural network of the brain forms. Beginning in the womb and throughout life this vast network continues to expand, adapt, and learn. Take a look inside the brain at a cellular level to find out how our three pound universe forms and even how we learn. Step back a half-billion years ago, to when the first nerve cells developed. The original need for a nervous system was to coordinate movement, so an organism could go find food, instead of waiting for the food to come to it. Jellyfish and sea anemone, the first animals to create nerve cells, had a tremendous advantage over the sponges that waited brainlessly for dinner to arrive. After millions of generations of experimentation, nervous systems evolved some amazing ways of going out to eat. But behind all the myriad forms of life today, the primary

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