Activity Analysis Occupational Therapy Essay

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MSc Occupational Therapy Module Title OT6041: Occupational Analysis Module Co-ordinator Dr. Nancy Salmon Student number 0405531 Student Year 2013/14 Word Count 1511words Submission Date 24th September 2013 Occupational Analysis Occupational therapy focuses on helping people to participate in daily life activities they find meaningful. ‘The goal of activity analysis is to understand as much as possible about an activity, including the particular skills required to do it competently and it’s relation to participation in the world at large’ (Cynkin 1995). Activity analysis also looks at the activity demands and performance skill. Activity demands include aspects such as the objects typically used, the space and social demands of the activity, and the specific skills required to carry it out (AOTA 2008). Aspects of occupational Therapy’s Domain: (Commission on Practice (2008) Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and Process, 2 ed.) nd The Activity Teaching is a basic skill for all practising occupational therapist. For effective teaching, an occupational therapist must be able to recognise the learning needs of his/her client…show more content…
Fortunately, it is a skill that can be learned at any age and can be adapted for many types of groups. Mindfulness may hold personal meaning for many different reasons. There has been much research done in the area of mindfulness and mental health benefits. The constant pressure of today’s modern world can increase personal stress levels. A person who incorporates mindfulness meditation into their daily routine could find that they can balance life’s demands much more efficiently. Research has shown that participating in an eight week mindfulness meditation program appears to make measurable changes in brain regions associated with memory, sense of self, empathy and stress. (Hölzel et al.
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