Summary of 'The Metamorphosis'

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The metamorphosis Lectio: Medatatio: A. Characters: Gregor Samsa, Grete Samsa, the office manager, Mr. Samsa, Mrs. Samsa. B. Images: insect, bed, bedroom, train, office, clock, door, legs, belly, picture frame, lock, key, cane. C. Plot points: - Crisis: Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman, wakes up one morning to find that he has become a giant insect. - Complication: Gregor tries to get out of bed and out of the room to communicate with his office manager and family. - Climax: Gregor makes his way out of his bedroom and his family sees him as an insect for the first time. - Denouement: Mr. Samsa drives Gregor back into the bedroom with a cane and rolled up magazine. Gregor retreats into his bedroom, falls asleep in exhaustion. Oratio: Gregor Samsa is a traveling salesman who wakes up one morning and finds that he has the body of a giant insect and not a human. He struggles to move around. Getting out of bed is difficult. He cannot communicate with his family or office manager because his human voice is gone. Instead, he only makes a gibberish sound that no one can understand. The office manager comes to check on him out of concern, but is now angry because he believes Gregor is trying to slack off from work. Gregor makes it out of his bedroom with great difficulty. His parents and sisters are shocked. His mother and sister cry. His father is terrified and pushes him back into the bedroom using a cane and rolled up newspaper. Gregor goes back and falls asleep with exhaustion. Contemplatio: This part one of a novella is about a man who turns into a giant insect. He has the same mind but his physical appearance is completely different. He tries to cope with it while his family is horrified and shuns

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