The Magic Washing Machine

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Hans Rosling and the magic washing machine Hans Rosling begin his talk by describing the amazement his family felt when they first discover the concept of the washing machine. They were saving money for years to buy this washing machine. Even his grandma came to see this first laundry. She had been heating water by firewood and she had hand washed laundry for 7 children. Henceforth, this task will be done by electricity. For here , this was a miracle. Nowadays , people in rich countries are using diverse machines in their daily life. They can even afford airlines tickets. On the other hand , there are people who live on less than 2 dollar a day. Rich people represent 1 billion of the earth population , those who are living under 2 $ a day represent 2 billion. The 4 other billion , are people who got access to electricity. Only 1 billion of those who got access to electricity can afford getting a washing machine. Consequently a lot of women all over the world still hand wash. They don't want to spend their whole lives doing this tough work. They want to have washing machines too , in the same way as did women in rich countries generations ago . The energy growth can be increased by : * population growth and economic growth. In 201O The world uses 12 units of energy. Rich countries consume 6 units . In 2050 this consumption will increase to 22 units. So to reduce this high consumption , people should change their behaviors and start producing green energies. Consequently , if we achieve this ,all women will get a washing machine and we will stop squandering natural resources. And as said Mr Rosling, people , and especially women , will get free time to more important activities. They will get educated, they will read newspapers , they will watch TV programs they will participate in politics …In other words , they minds will bloom. Actually there is an

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