The Key to a Happy Life: How Lennie Manages to Maintain a Positive Attitude and Live a Happy Life

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Imagine a life where everything is good and everyone is nice. A life where nothing can go wrong and there is nothing to worry about. In John Steinbeck’s classic, Of Mice and Men, that is how life appears to Lennie Small. Lennie, a simplistic man, who can be compared to the mouse in Robert Burn’s poem, To a Mouse, has a very positive outlook on life and that is why he’s going to live a much happier life than other men, such as George Milton. Lennie is very naïve 1, he lives only in the present 2 and always manages to see the good in others 3; this allows him to maintain a positive outlook and lead a happy life. Lennie is a very naïve person, he thinks that everything in the world is good and doesn’t know enough to realize that it isn’t. When George and Lennie arrived at the clearing, Lennie headed straight to the green pool of water and started drinking from it. George saw him doing so and he said to Lennie, “’for God-sakes don’t drink so much’” (Steinbeck 3). Lennie was so naïve that he didn’t know the water could make him sick but George knew about the potential dangers of the green pool water. After taking many big gulps, Lennie sat up and smiled as he said “’Tha’s good’” (3). Lennie’s naivety was very helpful to him in this situation, as he quenched his thirst and was also very happy. Lennie lives only in the present. He does not dwell on the past nor worry about the future. While en route to the ranch, George discovers that Lennie had a mouse in his pocket. As they were discussing the mouse, Lennie remembered that a long time ago, “’a lady used to give [mice] to [him]’” (9) so he could stroke them because he liked how soft they are. That lady was his Aunt Clara but he can’t remember her because she is in his past and he doesn’t recall most things from his past. Lennie doesn’t have to think about his future because George has it all planned for

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