Lennie Small Character Analysis

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At the beginning of ‘Of Mice and Men,’ Lennie’s physical characteristics are described as, ‘a huge man... with wide, sloping shoulders.’(Chapter 1)This gives the reader the impression of a fairly intimidating man due to his height and broadness. He is also described as walking ‘heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws.’ (Chapter 1) Other animalistic qualities are used throughout the book as well to describe Lennie’s features. This implies to the reader that Lennie is possibly quite untamed of the mind and personality which is proven later through his actions of strength throughout the book. Lennie’s close bond to animals also mimics his animalistic personality and features. His almost constant talking about ‘the rabbits’ that George and he will be tending to once they’ve earned enough money to buy their own land, implies he has a caring nature toward animals as well as feeling a passion for animals. Lennie is portrayed as a very loveable character with a slow intelligence. Lennie is liked by almost everyone on the ranch, except from Curley who feel’s intimidated by his bear-like build. This likability could be caused by Lennie’s simple-mindedness and his ability to overlook features and characteristics of people that others may discriminate against. For instance, Lennie is able to have a polite conversation with Crooks, the stable hand, despite his dark skin colour and without a fight occurring. This is because the concept of racism does not occur to him due to his simple manners. This ability proposes an almost child -like naivety that other men of his time would be unaware of. Lennie needs constant attention from his close friend, George, who frequently tells him not to ‘drink too much’ and constantly reminds him to ‘go get the wood’ and other minute tasks that he’d otherwise forget. This suggests he is very simple minded in
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