The Importance Of Work And Learning In Canada

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“Why work and learning in Canada must account for Canadian realities and management perspectives.” We currently live in an education-based society where there were once multitudes of production jobs and the average single income family could live comfortably in the middle income tax bracket. Unions were the norm and ensured that jobs were mostly secure, stable, and plentiful. A person could start work for a factory or company soon after they finished high school and remain with the same company for their entire career until they retirement. Today, however, this is not the case; the realities of the Canadian workplace within the global economy have changed where the employer no longer values his workforce, and the employee has no job stability…show more content…
It encourages free thought, maximizing effort by each employee to be an equal contributor to the product by improving group and team cohesion. This management style takes into account the needs of the employee and capitalizing on each member’s skills and experience. This approach allows each member of the ‘team’ to learn from each other and to be collaborative in their efforts to create the best product. This method allows employees to be involved in the decision making process, opening up lines of communication between the leadership of the company and the employee’s and lends to the overall effectiveness of a team environment letting knowledge and experience lead the way (Bratton, et al.,…show more content…
The western world has seen most of the factory or mass production type occupations outsourced to the eastern world – predominantly Asia – and thus the need for working environments and types of occupations has also shifted. Moreover, the management styles used in the Western world versus the Eastern world vary dramatically. In eastern cultures there is more focus on day-to-day living, in most cases the reason for working is frankly just to make a living and provide the necessities of life for their families. Whereas in the west, the way these factory style jobs are run in the east would lead to problems in Canada for instance; labour laws and human rights are valued and enforced in this country, the rights of workers and their welfare are held to a high standard and rules are strictly enforced. These cultural differences between the east and the west have shifted our management culture in Canada. We now live and work more under a “human resources” model, and in most cases, our employees are actively engaged in the decision-making processes on a daily basis. Freethinking, teamwork and collaborative efforts by workers are embraced by managers ensuring that the company benefits from all of the knowledge, education and experience that it can glean from each employee, thus ensuring that new and innovative work products are

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