The Importance of Women in Othello

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The importance of women in Othello If you would be asked who the most important characters in Othello are, you would probably say Othello and Iago, or at least two male characters in the play. But are the male characters really the most important ones? Or do the females play roles just as, or even more important than the roles of the males? Despite the lack of freedom and the position women were in at the time, did the women in Othello play significant roles? In order to find out how important the roles of characters in Othello are, we can look at the who the female characters in Othello are. There are three females in the play, which are Desdemona, Emilia and Bianca. Bianca is a prostitute, whose favorite customer is Cassio. Emilia is Iago’s wife, and Desdemona’s attendant. Desdemona is Othello’s wife, and she has the biggest role of the women in the play. Roderigo is in love with her, but her father, Brabantio, does not allow Roderigo to marry her. We can conclude from this that at least Desdemona and Emilia are important characters, as they are the wives of the main characters, and Bianca seems to be just a minor character, but in order to find out more about the importance of women in Othello, we have to look at the roles of Desdemona, Emilia and Bianca in the play. Bianca receives Desdemona’s handkerchief from Cassio, and unknowingly makes Othello believe that Desdemona is cheating on him, when she gives the handkerchief back to Cassio, which was Iago’s plan, as he was trying to convince Othello that Desdemona was cheating on him, and this was the thing that made Othello believe him. (Bianca (Othello)) Emilia is the one who finds Desdemona’s handkerchief after she accidentally leaves it, and she gives it to Iago, because he has asked her before to steal the handkerchief. She also denies knowing anything about the whereabouts of the handkerchief,

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