The Roles of Women in the Oresteia

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The Roles of Men and Women in The Oresteia In The Oresteia, Aeschylus encourages the importance of the male role in society over that of the female. The entire trilogy can be seen as a subtle assertion of the superiority of men over women. Yet, the women create the real interest in the plays. Their characters are the incentive that makes everything occur. The characters of Clytaemnestra, Cassandra, and the goddess Athena can demonstrate this. The most complex and compelling character in the three plays is Clytaemnestra. Clytaemnestra is filled with thoughts of revenge. She seeks vengeance on Agamemnon for the loss of their daughter, Iphigenia whose life was sacrificed in order to appease the goddess Artemis so that Agamemnon's troops would be allowed to continue their journey to Troy. Clytaemnestra displays more intelligence than any other character in The Oresteia in the way she manipulates the events leading up to Agamemnon's death in the play "Agamemnon." Her scheming ways and clever word play make her intimidating in the eyes of the people of Argos. She is looked upon with repulsion because of the manly way she acts. The chorus leader states in line 35 "spoken like a man, my lady, loyal, full of self-command." (Aeschylus 116). Intelligence and cleverness, while celebrated in a man, are threatening characteristics in a woman. In the palace of Argos, Clytaemnestra has been having an open affair with Aegisthus. The chorus, who acts as the voice of the common man, and therefore the voice of morality, condemn her for this affair even though it is common practice for men in ancient Greece to have many extramarital affairs themselves. In this way Aeschylus overlooks the double standards placed upon the women of the time period, but he also, perhaps unwittingly, sets up Clytaemnestra as the antagonist of the plays. In breaking away from the traditional female

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