The Importance Of Poverty In The United States

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Abstract This article focuses its attention on how children considered low-income are prohibited from reaching higher education (i.e. Training programs, college etc.) due to poverty. In this article, the authors examines poverty as a whole, search for shared traits between poverty and high achievement, and explains the foundations that could be used to help improve educational success and development. United States has always been looked at as the richest country in the world. Other countries have taken us as their example in economics. Unfortunately poverty in recent years has reached its highest. It is an issue that more and more of our nation’s children have to pay for and that price is unbelievably high. Not only does poverty affect…show more content…
According to the article “The condition of poverty, however, may be the most important of all student differences in relation to high achievement.” (Burney 2008) It also states that the length of time the family has been living in poverty and the level of poverty they lived in, influences achievement preparation and performance in children under the age of five. (Burney 2008) Poverty affects all aspects of a child’s education and development. Students that attend schools in low income neighborhoods have “limited access to programs outside of school that provide lessons and enrichment opportunities that add to student competence in a learning environment, confidence in ability to learn new things, social interaction skills, and background information that may transfer to an academic setting.” (Burney 2008) Schools with higher levels of low income student population are less likely to offer the curricula and placement courses that are viewed as “needed” for success in higher education. “They also are less likely to have experienced and qualified teachers.” (Burney…show more content…
Being aware of disadvantages and opportunities available at low income schools can make the difference needed between succeeding and missing the opportunity. Reference Burney, V. H., & Beilke, J. R. (2008, The constraints of poverty on high achievement. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 31, 171-321,385. Retrieved from; Reviews researches and studies connecting low income children not being able to receive higher educational
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