The Importance of Bull Fighting in the Sun Also Rises

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The Importance of Bullfighting in The Sun Also Rises In Earnest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises there is a central theme of bullfighting which literally refers to the bullfights in Spain but also refers to conflict between characters in the novel. Throughout the story Brett reveals herself to be the ultimate bullfighter manipulating the men like bulls. Brett’s actions sway depending on her wants she changes from aggressive, to relaxed states based on the bull she was fighting at the time. Each relationship she has with a man has its own aspect of the bull and the fighter. At all times she is the bullfighter who seduces the bull and eventually kills nearly every one like the expert she has become over the years. With Mike, Robert, Pedro, and Jake her skills are put on display as she masterfully entices each bull and places them in the exact positions she would like them in. Bullfighting is a graceful sport which requires a superior set of skills in order to elude the bull which is trying to gore the fighter as they attempt to kill the bull as well. An elite bullfighter always wins the fight and doesn’t ever get gored but allows the bull as close to them as possible. This act is celebrated due to the great danger the bullfighters put themselves and the aggressiveness of the bull creates a more intense setting between the two. Furthermore Brett’s inhumane treatment of these men is equal to the level of the slaying of the bull in an actual bullfight, which is cause to rightfully draw a comparison between an experienced fighter and Brett. Before the trip to Spain we see the qualities of a bullfighter in Brett which were just chalked up to her being cold before. With a reputation to have sex with whoever she wants when she wants it, it’s hard to justify that she does so for anything more than sport; much like a bullfighter only kills the bull for sport. Brett has a
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