The Importance Of Branding

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When people think of branding the majority consider it to be a relatively new concept that has developed over the past centuries or maybe since the industrial revolution in Europe. The truth however about branding will surprise many readers. Brands and branding was not born with the classic brand products for instance from Coca Cola. The birth of branding goes back much further into the early history of trade and to nearly all advanced ancient civilizations. If we look at ancient Egypt for example, bricks and stones were branded or marked, to display the point of origin. Back then people were already convinced that certain bricks carved by certain craftsman were of better quality than that of the competition. In the middle ages guilds made…show more content…
They are the fundamental principles with which a company operates from the inside and communicates to the outside, such as the consumers. It is imperative that an organization is able to identify its core values as this is where the brand and its image will originate from. Core values are so essential in branding due to the fact that they are the basis of strength of it. The marketplace in today’s world is so saturated with advertisements and marketing that consumers are more difficult to impress. Also with social media they have become ever more powerful and can assess for themselves what is believable and what not that is being offered by a company. This is the reason why a company’s core values need to be kept basic, truthful and indisputable. Coca Cola is a company that illustrates this perfectly. One of their core values is quality. No matter what, their product always consists of the same high quality. It won’t happen that one day you go to the supermarket and get a great can of coke and the next day you go back and buy a can of coke that is bad. It’s always the same. This is what makes Coca Cola one of the most successful brands of our time.

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