The Goblin Market

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Patrick Cortez Professor Loubser Brit Lit II 30 Oct 2010 “The Goblin Market”, written by Christina Rossetti, is a short poem written during the Victorian Era of literature. During this time, a person’s role and influence in society was determined by their gender. Men were allowed freedom to be active and explore the many sensations offered in life without penalty. For a woman however, it was expected that they be domesticated and uphold an image of purity and innocence with little room for freedom and independence. This story tells of two sisters, Laura and Lizzie, who are brought closer together by sex, violence and love while trying to maintain the image of domesticity. The story opens with the sisters trying to follow the image of domestication allotted to them by the general public. While Lizzie knows her place in the public’s eye, she pleads with her sister Laura not to succumb to the sensation of curiosity. Rossetti writes, “‘O! cried Lizzie, Laura, Laura,/ You should not peep at goblin men.’ Lizzie covered up her eyes/ Covered close lest they should look;” (Rossetti 48-49). As they are walking home, these “Goblin” men call to them to come and taste their succulent fruits which actually represent lust and sex. She (Lizzie) covers her eyes so she does not see these men and warns her sister to follow her and do the same. Filled with curiosity, Laura ponders what these men have to offer and suggests to her sister that they should indeed see what they have. The author writes, “’Look, Lizzie, look, Lizzie/ Down the glen tramp little men./ One hauls a basket,/ One bears a plate,/ One lugs a golden dish/ Of many pounds’ weight.’” (Rossetti 54-59). Intrigued by these little goblins, Laura’s interest in these men overwhelms her into wanting to make contact with them and the fruits they bear. She (Laura) neglects her sister’s plea to ignore them and instead asks
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