Good Country People And Alice Munro's Wild Swans

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Writing the Essay About Literature Writing an essay about literature may seem at first a daunting and mystifying process. However, writing about literature is no more difficult than writing for any other subject. In any paper about literature, you are trying to persuade your reader that your reading of the text (that is, your interpretation or your analysis) is worth considering because it adds a valuable dimension to understanding the text, a dimension that may not be immediately apparent to your reader. In other words, in an essay about any literary text, you are trying to persuade your reader to look at the text in a way in which perhaps he has not looked at before. Your slant on the reading, your position, your insights would therefore…show more content…
You will see that all of these introductions begin simply by placing the stories in the context of the writer's discussion, by defining the issues that the paper will raise, and by narrowing to a thesis statement. 1) In Flannery O'Connor's "Good Country People" and Alice Munro's "Wild Swans," we meet two women who are completely unprepared to experience their first sexual encounter. The perspectives that Hulga and Rose adopt are shaped by the teachings of their mothers (or, in Rose's case, stepmother), Mrs. Hopewell and Flo respectively. Although Mrs. Hopewell and Flo share a patronizing manner and a tendency to stereotype, Hulga's and Rose's feelings for their mothers are quite different. Despite this difference, they are equally influenced by their mothers' philosophies, each sharing a desire to break away from their routine lives. Unfortunately, Hulga and Rose do not realize that what gives birth to this craving is also what makes them ill-equipped to handle the situations that set them on their individual courses of transformation. 2) The characterization of our protagonist Connie is vital to an understanding of her ripeness for seduction in Joyce Carol Oates' short story "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" Connie's youth and vanity, coupled with her antagonistic relationship with the members of her family, effectively set the stage for her seduction by the older Arnold Friend. 3) In Flannery O'Connor's "Good Country People," the cynical, rude, and world-weary Hulga believes herself to be on such a high philosophical and intellectual plane that she is without illusion. Her main belief is to believe in nothing. Considering the frustration and dullness of her life with her mother and Mrs. Freeman, it is no wonder that Hulga assumes a jaded outlook. Unfortunately, this weariness does not come from extensive life experience and she is not prepared to deal with Manley Pointer, an example of the "good country people" that

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