The Future Of Corrections

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The Future of Corrections No one can be sure where the future of the correction system will go, but we can speculate about the direction it may head. Seiter (2011) discussed the five goals of punishment in the correction system which include “punishment, deterrence, incapacitation, rehabilitation, and restitution” (p. 533). Throughout the years, the corrections system has changed which one of these five goals is the most important. In the last twenty years, offender accountability has developed great importance which has increased the amount of determinate sentences. Determinate sentences involve sentences that have a fixed or flat time (Jirard, 2009). Determinate sentences play a large part in the increasing number of individuals in prison, which, as you can imagine, puts more strain on prisons financially. In the past two decades, we have become increasingly “tough on crime” which has helped to decrease crime to a certain extent. According to an article in the New York Times (2008), the US has fewer than five percent of the entire world’s population, but almost twenty five percent of the world’s prisoners (Liptak & , 2008). The author of the article goes on to say that people in the US are sentenced to do time for crimes that would not produce such a sentence in other countries. According to another article in the New York Times (2008), states spend close to ten percent of their budget on corrections (Liptak &, 2008). In 2007 alone, states spend close to $45 million tax dollars. Not only is simply housing an inmate costly, but healthcare also provides a financial burden. In 1998, the states paid a little over seven dollars a day per inmate for healthcare (Kinsella, 2004). You can imagine that in the last thirteen years, this cost has continued to increase and will only get worse with the aging prison population, the occurrences of communicable disease and

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