The French and Indian Creating Tension Between the Colonies and Great British and Political Strain

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The french and Indian War was a war against the Indians, the French, and Great Britain in which Britain won. It started in 1754 and ended in 1763. It was a war for rich land. Great Britain gain mostly all the land on the East of North America including the Ohio River. The French and Indian War altered relationships and created tensions between Britain and its American colonies. The political relation strained because of the laws like the Proclamation of 1763 that angered colonist. As a result of political laws like the Proclamations and Acts, the economy went is to poverty and depression. Ideological was seen by the colonist to be Independent. The French and Indian War made the British council establish new laws. They passed laws like the proclamation of 1763 where the British closed off the frontier to the colonist (Doc A). This included the Ohio Valley. This angered the colonist, brought tension, and broke their bond. After the Proclamation they also had tension due to the fact that the British passed acts to pay for the money they lost to pay for the war. British Order in Council of 1763 states to king George the III, “we find that the revenue ….and is not yet sufficient to defray a fourth part of the expense necessary for collecting it” (Doc F). The council states that they need control in trade and territory which also played along with the Proclamation. They wanted to enforce Mercantilism, which made the colonist only able to trade with Great Britain and import more than they export. This was to solve the money issues and to allow George to tax people. One act was the Stamp Act of 1765. It taxed the colonist on printed paper like the newspaper. This brought anger to the colonist. Benjamin Franklin sent a letter to John Hugh Stating, “As to the Stamp Act …. doing our Endeavour to get it repeal’d ...yet the Success is uncertain” (Doc G). Franklin got

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