The Elmwood Visitation

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Margery's Journey Reviewing The Elmwood Visitation by Carolyn Gray The Elmwood Visitation is a play that examines the world of science and paranormal activity in the year 1923. The play is fictional, but it is based on real characters and real situations. The main character is Margery Crandon. At the start of the play, Margery is married to a grocer, and goes by the name Wilhemina Green. However, she is unhappy with this marriage and begins to have an affair with the local doctor, Le Roi Goddard Crandon. Crandon wants Margery to leave her husband and be with him, "Get rid of the grocer's deliveryman. Think about being a doctor's wife and then make an appointment with my nurse" (Scene 1 page 14 ). Margery wants a different life then what she is living and decides to divorce her husband. She marries Crandon soon after and her future then becomes unclear. Crandon becomes interested in the spiritual world and begins teaching Margery different tricks. Margery had no interest or experience in this sort of thing before, but she quickly catches on and out grows her teacher. Margery now seems to have psychic powers and Crandon does not fully understand how she is doing it. The couple travel to Winnipeg to see the Hamilton's who are also studying the spiritual world. There, they will meet Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and have a chance to impress him with their abilities to channel spirits. Margery becomes famous for her psychic abilities, and is challenged by Harry Houdini. However, after an issue in one of Margery's acts, people begin to doubt her abilities. Her followers believe she is the greatest medium alive, but her critics think she is a fraud and a disgrace to the science. As the play goes on, we see Margery go through a difficult journey. Through fame and failure, skeptics and believers, Margery tries to carry on in a professional

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