"The Electoral College Should Be Replaced by a National Popular Vote.” Discuss

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“The electoral college should be replaced by a national popular vote.” Discuss (45) The Electoral College is an institution that was established by the founding Fathers to elect the President of the United States indirectly. The Electoral College is a system that should be abolished and replaced by direct election through a national popular vote. Supporters of the national popular vote make convincing arguments that it is the best system to decide the Presidential election in a society as vast as the United States. However, there are arguments that suggest the Electoral College should not be replaced by a national popular vote. When evaluating the arguments raised on both sides it I believe that the Electoral College should be replaced by a national popular vote. An argument that exposes the weakness of the Electoral College and why it should be replaced by a national popular vote is because the ‘winner takes all’ system distorts the results of the elections. There have been various results in which the popular vote did not reflect the results of the Presidential election. A notorious example of how distorted results can be under the Electoral College is that of Bush and Al Gore in 2000. Though Al Gore won the popular vote by 48.4% Bush won the votes of the Electoral College which resulted in him winning the Presidential election. Another example that presents Electoral Colleges distorted nature is the 1996 election in which Bill Clinton achieved 49% of the popular vote and went on to achieve 70% of the Electoral College vote. However, this is a weak argument as prior to this election it never occurred that a running candidate had more Electoral College votes without gaining the majority of votes in the national popular vote. A national popular vote would allow democracy to function in its most pure form by selecting the President based on the national popular

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