The first five documents include; a data table from Historical Statistics of the United States: Part 2, a couple paragraphs from The American Pageant, “Andrew Jackson’s Bank Veto Message to Congress July 10, 1832”, “Andrew Jackson’s Letter to Congress December 8, 1829”, and “Letters written by Andrew Jackson to his wife regarding their Creek Indian son, Lyncoya”. The data table titled Methods of Electing Presidential Electors: 1816 to 1836 begins with 1816 having all by legislature or none for all states listed. In the year 1820, three states switched to being by people. Three more were switched the first year Jackson ran for president. Between 1824 and 1828, four more were switched to by people the year Jackson became president.
Barack Obama became the United States of America’s first African American president in 2009. He delivered his acceptance speech for the Democratic Party’s ticket in August of 2008 in Colorado after a close primary campaign against Hillary Rodham Clinton. His audience of 80,000 was Democratic supporters looking forward to his vision of hope and change for the United States, which had seen a severe downturn in the economy along with the never-ending war in the Middle East. His rhetorical intention was to inspire and lead the audience toward a new America that was based on the Democratic ideology of supporting the majority of the population not just the wealthiest people and corporations’ best interests. Barack Obama included his background as a young boy of middle class parents and eventually a single mother.
Clinton worked together with his administration to create a better welfare for the benefit of all citizens. President Clinton once stated, “As we approach the next century, the American Dream must be restored to all Americans, and common ground must be found amid our great diversity”. During his presidency, Clinton was able to achieve the lowest unemployment rate in modern time. He was also able to drop crime rates significantly in many states and was capable of reducing welfare roles. It was also then, where citizens had the highest home ownership in the country’s history.
How did Obama beat Clinton to the democratic nomination? When the little known US Senator for Illinois announced his intentions to run in the democratic presidential primary in 2007, few believed that he could defeat the party backed establishment candidate, Hilary Clinton. Clinton’s campaign was described as “the largest and most powerful presidential campaign in History” and although Obama himself was quietly confident, his early investors were sceptical as Clinton gained an early twenty point lead. So how was he able to turn things around? Obama had three key factors on his side.
Though Al Gore won the popular vote by 48.4% Bush won the votes of the Electoral College which resulted in him winning the Presidential election. Another example that presents Electoral Colleges distorted nature is the 1996 election in which Bill Clinton achieved 49% of the popular vote and went on to achieve 70% of the Electoral College vote. However, this is a weak argument as prior to this election it never occurred that a running candidate had more Electoral College votes without gaining the majority of votes in the national popular vote. A national popular vote would allow democracy to function in its most pure form by selecting the President based on the national popular
However, although in 1949 Marshall aid was 37% of West German imports by 1952 it only accounted for 3%. Which highlights the economic growth within the country and shows their country was not being kept a float by external money. Their economic growth was partly due to the success of the ‘social market economy’ this was reinforced by the 1949 collective bargaining law, where is stated that participation of working had to be made in the decision making, this maintained good labour relations and boosted their economy by providing happy workers. Additionally the 1951 works constitutional law which stated that all works with over a 1000 workers had to be represented on all levels of management also assisted the rebuilding of the economy and creating a framework for peaceful relations within buisnesses, lowering the amount of
As the head of the National Restaurant Association, he challenged President Bill Clinton on healthcare at a television event. Cain publicly criticized First Lady Hillary Clinton's plans for healthcare reform. He thought the suggested reforms would have a negative impact on business. In 2004, Cain ran for a seat in Georgia's senate but failed. In August 2011, Cain came in fourth in the Iowa Straw Poll, beating Rick Perry and Mitt Romney.
Lewinskky Scandal: The Story of the Comeback Kid America’s 42nd president and his administration are responsible for many milestones and achievements. To start, the governor from Arkansas was, and still is, the third-youngest man to be elected President of the United States at age 46 and was the first democrat elected for a second term since Franklin D. Roosevelt. These small feats are nothing though when analyzing the true legacy of the Clinton Administration. Perhaps the biggest achievement was that between the presidential elections of 1992 and 2000 William “Bill” Jefferson Clinton presided over the longest period of peacetime economic expansion in the history of the United States of America. And, although his economic policies are the most well known political achievements of his administration he was also able to enact significant pieces of legislature.
Despite the reservations of many this proved to be a masterstroke; Johnson was older and experienced with 24 years in the senate. He was a protestant from the southern state of Texas whilst Kennedy was a young catholic from the New England state of Massachusetts with only 13 years combined experience in the House of Representatives and the senate. With Johnson on the ticket, many southerners were won over to the ticket and thus Kennedy went on to win the 1960 election. Recently in the 2008 elections John McCain nominated Sarah Palin to be his Vice President. This seemed to be an excellent choice at first, McCain being an older man from the South-western state of Arizona with moderate views did not appeal to all republican votes however when balanced with Palin, a younger female from Alaska with very
William Jefferson Clinton or as he is more commonly known, Bill Clinton was the 42nd President of the United States of America. He was born William Jefferson Blythe III in Hope, Arkansas to Virginia Dell Cassidy and William Blythe, Jr. His biological father was a traveling salesman who died in an auto accident three months before his birth. After completing Nursing school Clinton’s mother married Roger Clinton an automobile dealer. Although he assumed use of his stepfather’s surname, it was not until the age of 14 that he formally adopted the surname Clinton as a gesture toward his stepfather. Bill Clinton served in the role of President from 1993-2001.