Pros And Cons For The Election Of 2000

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Patrick Kim HIS-112 US Hist Since Reconst August 4, 2010 The United States presidential election of 2000 was the epic battle between Republican candidate George Walker Bush and Democratic candidate Al Gore. At the time George Bush was the governor of Texas and Al Gore was the Vice President to Bill Clinton. The unfortunate outcome of the election was the victory of Bush narrowly winning the November 7th election with 271 electoral votes compared to Gore’s 266(Federal Election Commission). The winner of the election was determined by the 25 electoral votes coming from Florida and this is where the major controversy stems from. Clearly, some awry events occurred that prevented the election of the true President of the United States, Al Gore. President Bush should not have been elected President, confusing ballots, voting error were only some causes that skewed the outcome of the 2000 election. George Bush and Al Gore were pitted against each other with the general campaign focusing on domestic issues such as health care, social security and medicare, but foreign policy also played a major part in the campaign where Bush wanted better utilization of troops. Gore on the other…show more content…
For example, democratic state senator Daryl Jones said that there had to have been an order to set up road-blocks in heavily Democratic regions of the state on the day of the election (Brabant). The election of Xavier Suarez to the Miami-Dade Republican party was also unfortunate in that the county of Miami-Dade was a major county and in that he helped fill out absentee ballot forms when he had been charged with absentee voter fraud in 1998 as the mayor of Miami. There were many more “overvotes” than usual which means that people voted for too many candidates, especially in predominantly African-American precincts in Duval county or Jacksonville, where some 27,000 ballots showed two or more choices for
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