Is the Election Process Fair?

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The Election Process: Fair or Unfair Every four years in November we vote for a president. The entire election process begins with the nomination of candidates from different parties in order to the elect of a new president. The people of America do not pick the president, their votes are known as the popular vote, the real vote that matters is the vote cast by the Electoral College. There are three main arguments of why the election process isn’t fair in the US: third parties, slanted media coverage, and the Electoral College. The third parties are considered to be any other party in the United States besides the Democrats and Republicans. Some people believe that America needs a third political party so that they have more options. For example when people don’t agree with the Democratic or the Republican candidate ideas they could vote for a third party candidate that has the same believes as them. This happened in the 2004 presidential election; the third party candidate had 25% of the popular vote because people started to dislike President George Bush and his opponent, John Kerry. Both candidates were in favor of continuing the war on Iraq. Many Americans believed money and military presence should be focused within our borders. Another reason that Americans support a third party deals with the competitive nature of the political arena. Some feel that both Democrats and Republicans aim to win the race, not to solve problems. Many Americans blame third parties for the lack of voter turnout. People who become frustrated with the two-party political system will sometimes switch and support a third party candidate, or may choose not to vote at all. Unfortunately the lack of resources and knowledge about the third party candidates reduce the number of voters that turn out. Hermain Cain said that he believed ‘Mitt Romney received fewer votes than John McCain
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