The Effects of Health Care Policies on Hospitals

618 Words3 Pages
The effects of Health Care Policies on Healthcare Organizations Health care is affected by political, legislative, and economic factors that include how healthcare is financed, safe nurse-to-patient ratios and the governing of how health care providers are to practice patient care (Nault, 2012). Many Americans are covered by some type of insurance, either by private insurance companies or public programs like Medicare or Medicaid. The uninsured is numbered at approximately forty five million. Being uninsured is a deterrent causing people not to seek preventative health care which in turns increases emergency room visits and hospitalizations, thus poor outcomes in avoidable health problems. A rise in emergency room visits and hospitalization and not receiving preventative care is causing the cost of health care to soar to astronomical levels (Paradis, Wood & Cramer, 2009). Nurse – to – patient ratio has been a long standing problem in Health care field. The amount of nurse to the amount of patients makes a difference in patient safety, pain management and patient health care outcomes. Legislation of nurse – to – patient ratio dictates how a nurse provides care to their patients as well the quality of that care. One bill that helps regulate these ratios is the National Nursing Shortage Reform and Patient Advocacy Act – s.992 (Boxer). “ This bill establishes requirements for acute – care facilities to provide registered nurse staff based on acuity of patients provided that minimum nurse- to- patient ratios for each unit are met at all times. Registered nurses shall also have the obligation to act in exclusive interest of their patients, and the right to be patient advocates” (National Nurses United, 2010). This law essentially protects patients by keeping the nurse – to – patient ratio at a level that nurses can safely take care of their

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