The Effectiveness of Using Newspaper for Student's Critical Thinking

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The Effectiveness of Using Newspapers for Students’ Critical Thinking By Valentina Intan Kusumadewi (111214088) There are many ways that can be used to teach reading for students, especially in developing their critical thinking. The development of technology in this era has become the benefit for teachers in choosing the right media that can be implemented in the classroom. Despite the popularity of using internet for information sources, newspaper is still the effective media in teaching reading for students. This essay presents the facts about how effective the use of newspaper by engaging it with reading activity in the classroom. In this context, the author focuses on teaching intermediate level students for their critical thinking development about the current issues. Students have been dealing with reading activity in the classroom. It is important for teachers to motivate their students so that they can read a lot and love reading many books or any resources of knowledge. Not only does reading enrich students’ knowledge, but it also develops their mind. Mind is like a muscle and it needs exercise so that it can be used well. Students will understand what they read because their mind have been growing in reading ability. Reading activity can develop student’s imagination and discover new things. Books, magazine, newspaper, and other information sources are good learning tools. Students who know how to read can educate themselves in anything they are interested in. For example, newspaper has many topics that can be chosen by students based on their interest. When they have found something which they like they will focus on it. Reading will develop the creative side of them by thinking critically about the issue which they read. Based on that fact, the use of newspaper is effective media in teaching reading for students to develop their critical thinking

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