The Constitution By Nancy Talanian Analysis

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1. What is the writer of the book trying to communicate? The laws which govern all U.S citizens come from the single most important document created by our founding fathers. This document, the U.S. Constitution, has held up for over 200 years with few but important changes. The latest amendment to the constitution, known as the “Patriot Act”, was passed in October 2001 shortly after the September 11 terrorist attacks. In “The War on Terror” and The Constitution it is author Nancy Talanian’s assertion that the most recent change is not only unconstitutional but erodes any previous civil liberties that have been given to the American people by this same document. The author provides many specific examples of U.S. and non U.S. citizens…show more content…
Did the author convince you of his/her point, and how significant is this point? The author drives her point home by giving real world examples of the Patriot Act affecting Americans and those abroad. The fact that the government can intervene in the lives of anyone without fear violating the Constitution should strike fear into anyone. If you value personal freedom run fast to your local constituent and demand accountability in Washington. 6. How important is the subject to the study of politics and government? The subject of the constitutionally lawless nature of the Patriot Act is extremely relevant to politics and government. The study of politics and government start with the understanding of the Constitution. Critical analysis in both subjects is required to better understand how the Patriot Act affects the Bill of Rights. 7. How complete and thorough is the author’s coverage of the subject? While the War on Terror and The Constitution is relatively short, it seems to drive home the point of how the acts of the U.S. government after the 9/11 attacks have changed the Constitution dramatically. Citing specific incidents and subsequent Supreme Court cases make this book short, but very…show more content…
How does this book compare with others on the subject? Comparing this book to others on the same subject might be somewhat short sighted. Because of the length in writing, this book may as well just serve as an introduction to how the Patriot Act and it’s repercussions have changed the lives of Americans. This may turn some readers off looking for more substance in such a divisive subject. 13. What contribution does this book make to political science? The fundamental nature of this book make it an essential contribution to political science. When learning about politics and government it is a must to understand the evolution of laws. This book illustrates the importance of how not being involved in politics and government can allow the powers that be to rule its people with absolute unchecked power. 14. Who will enjoy or benefit from this book? Anyone who has an interest in how their lives are governed will have interest in this book. The author portrays an America that has changed significantly since the terrorist attacks on 9/11. These changes were made to keep American’s safer but seems to date there is no clear evidence that this is the

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