The Clown Punk and the Hunchback in the Park.

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Simon Armitage uses pets as companions to emphasise the clown's loneliness. The use of the word 'towing' in reference to the dog gives the impression that the dog is unwilling to accompany the clown ,as towing is associated with dragging something along. The the clown's shambolic imagery is used to envoke a smile from the reader, but with the gentle instruction 'don't laugh' by the speaker we feel instantly saddened by the Clown Punk and sympathise with him.Similarly to this 'The Hunchback In The Park' portrays a helpless character we immediately feel sorry for. Both the Hunchback and The clown punk represent isolated individuals in a society that perfers the normal over the abnormal. Both poems keep a certain anonymity with their central characters by not addressing them by their names, but using their physicalities 'clown punk' this shows that they are unknown in society but still judged ,giving a sense of being looked down on, which creates a heirarchy in the poems. In both poems a chaotic ,untidy scene is the habitat for the characters.The clown punk is described as living in 'the shonky side of town' .This is fitting with his rather eccentric manner and appearence. The peculiar imagery of the clown is enhanced by the comparison of the clown to 'a basket of washing' ,giving an impression that his attire is slightly bizzare.The park which the hunchback occupies is described as 'unmade' ,which is used as a reflection on where societty feels he
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