The Cathedral of Saint John the Divine

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The Cathedral of Saint John the Divine has a broad mix of traditional and nontraditional features. Some of the elements it has that are traditional to churches from the Gothic period such as an apse, ambulatory, choir, transept, rose window and nave. Some of the elements of the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine that aren’t traditional to Gothic architecture are the aisle chapels or nave chapels and the narthex. Narthexes were originally intended to separate the general congregation from those who had were not allowed inside the nave. This allowed those that were not welcomed into the nave to hear and partake in the services held inside the cathedral. During the Gothic period, the did away with narthexes and replaced them by having three doors and porches on the west end of the church. Although St. John the Divine has the three traditional gothic doors and porches on the west end, it also includes a narthex just inside. I believe that the narthex was added to Saint John the Divine to act as a lobby or an entrance area to reflect before you enter the nave. Traditional Gothic churches apsidal chapels, chapels that surround the outside walls of the ambulatory. St. John the Divine has apsidal chapels as well as aisle chapels. This allows for more chapels, and easier access to chapels. Since they are closer to the entrance of the cathedral, aisle chapels are used for chapels dedicated to specific aspects of life such as missionary, labour or education. Apsidal chapels are at the front of the church, which are in the ambulatory. Apsidal chapels are used for Saints, in the case of St. John the Divine, they have 7 apsidal chapels dedicated to

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