The Argumentative Essay: Charlie's Murder

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About ten days before, Charlie Leaf ha abducted his estranged former common-law wife, Cheryl Hart, an their young son from her parents' home in Connecticut. After a seven-year relationship, Charlie and Cheryl had separated two years ago. When Cheryl had finally left him, she said he saw him snap. She moved in with her parents, trying to get on with her life, but Charlie, like so many men in such situations, was not willing to let her go. The way he saw it, Cheryl and little Charlie were his possessions, and he wanted them back. Over the next two years he threatened her and physically abused her whenever he found her. He had once even abducted little Charlie for six months, and gave up the boy only when the police intervened. Cheryl had sought…show more content…
Then he drove to Cheryl's parents' house - they were away for the weekend - and pried open a door leading into the garage. He kicked in the door to Cheryl's bedroom with the rifle in his hand. He beat her and raped her before telling her to pack things for little Charlie. He told her that she could go or die. Fortunately, Cheryl had the instincts of a survivor. She remained calm and said she would come; she convinced Charlie at he didn't have to kill her. "We can go away," she said. "We can start a new life together with little Charlie." Cheryl had made it clear by now that she wanted no part of Charlie, yet he wanted so much to believe her that this gleam of hope obscured his judgment. He gave her a few moments to get the boy out of bed and to gather up some clothes. Then they took off in Charlie's car. Cheryl had no plan other than to try to stay alive. Charlie's plan, to the extent that he had one, was to avoid being caught. Both knew that Cheryl's parents would call the police the moment they discovered she was gone. Both were simply stalling for…show more content…
"Back off!" he yelled. "Back off or I'll kill her." Wayne Waddell had spent hours training for situations just like this, and he knew exactly what to do. He and the agents moved back down and clustered at the foot of the stairs. Law enforcement often overreacts to threats of the kind that Charlie made, even though in most cases such threats are defensive, designed to keep the police at bay. Some law officers hear only the threatened action, "I'll kill this lady," while failing to hear the conditions under which the action will be taken: "if you try to cone in here." That is one reason why the most critical skills of a negotiator are self-control and the ability to help those around you keep their cool. Wayne had a lot on his mind a law enforcement settled in for the long haul. Mere chance had made him the group's primary negotiator, and his immediate task was to deescalate the confrontation, and then to convince Charlie that he was here to help him. But he also had to lead the SWAT team and coordinate the actions of the roughly twenty FBI personnel on the scene, as well as communicate all of this to his

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