The 5th Element as a Discussion

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Review of ‘The 5th Element’ A Film First let me thank you for giving me the excuse I needed to watch this movie again. It’s made like a super block buster with Bruce Willis and a Super model starring, but has ended up being a cult classic; and I love it. It’s a couple of centuries from now and the planet is covered with city which has polluted everything. Bruce Willis is a taxi driver (flying car of course) who used to be a Special Forces agent. The government brings back to life an alien who has the genetic material (she starts out just a hand) to be the most perfect being ever. Once awake, she gets out of their control, jumps off of a 1000 story building and lands on Bruce Willis’ taxi. I guess she survives because she’s the most perfect being ever? Her name is Leelu. Bruce brings Leelu to the only monk on the planet who knows how to help her save the Earth. Oh, did I not mention the looming dead planet flying at 100,000 miles per hour toward us? Yep, she’s got to find 4 amazing stones (that turn out to be across the solar system inside of an Opera singer) and place them perfectly in a tomb in Egypt before the dead planet gets to Earth. There is a lot of trickery and fighting about who should go to find this Opera singer (with the 4 at least 5000 year old stones in her belly) but of course it ends up being Bruce, Leelu and the old Priest who end up getting to the Interstellar Cruise ship she is meant to perform on, to meet her. They all meet at a wonderful performance of hers that combines traditional opera and some amazing futuristic sounding techno, which shows off that she’s a soprano and a bass all in one. Throughout the movie there have been aliens that we really don’t know too much about, trying to get the stones and stop Leelu. Somehow they are in league with the evil consciousness that appears to be coming from the speeding dead planet. These evil

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