Tesco Self Checkout

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Consumer behaviour: Consumer Facing technology: Introduction: About TESCO’S SELF CHECKOUT Technology: Compared to traditional lanes where each single till is operated by a single cashier, at self-checkout 1 store attendant can manage up to 8 self-checkouts units. Self-checkout is installed in the store’s checkout zone, next to traditional lanes. One traditional lane is replaced by 2 and up to 4 self-checkout units. Customer, after collecting its shopping items in the shopping floor arrives at the self-checkout zone, where he scans its items and makes payment in cash or card. Self-checkout is connected with retailers store information system. From the retailers central office it is seen as yet another point of sale with all sales information consolidated and managed in a usual way. Modern self-checkout is powerful system that can handle the same functionality as traditional tills and even more, including proceeding loyalty cards and programs, calculating discounts, selling GSM prepaid cards, giving cash back, handling items with security items or no barcodes. Literature Review: The global retail environment has observed a new trend towards the rapid use of self-service technologies (Jamal, 2004, Burke, 2002) where transactions among customers and employees are accompanied and supported electronically (Merrilees and Miller, 2001, Meuter et al., 2000). According to Michel Haagmans (Director of Re-Vision) “many leading European retailers are heavily investing in self-Checkout technology as part of their growth strategy” (Anon, 2010, p.1) with leading grocery retailer, Tesco & Sainsbury, increasingly using the technology (Anon, 2010, Hobson, 2010). In recent times electronic and machine assisted services have been employed to provide customers with a fast and easy access to online banking, internet shopping, and automated booking of airline tickets, online
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