Territorial Expansion and Slavery

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Territorial Expansion and Slavery As new states were acquired the territorial lines shifted. Congressman Wilmot suggested that slavery be banned from any new terrain that the US might obtain from Mexico. The conflicts caused the Democratic Party split into northern and southern chapters. This in return caused even more problems, when David Wilmot wanted to keep the servitude out of the West, so the typical white sharecroppers could obtain the land (pg. 234) Some of the conflicts were that the Constitution promised the choice of slavery in federal acreage. A South Carolina Senator joined the southern Democrats in vetoing it. The Whigs started separating along district lines. The Southern individuals from both sides were for allowing servitude in the new terrains, while the northern folk disagreed with the process. The Compromise of 1850 allowed slavery to continue until the territories became part of the states. And after that it could be voted on. The first key event would be that any left-over land won in the Mexican-American War would be split into two new territories, New Mexico and Utah, and have open slavery. Secondly, Texas would be given $10 million in restitution, but would not be allowed to persuade New Mexico into allowing more slavery there. Lastly, the federal government would crack-down on the runaway slaves when they were caught. These items caused the north and south to start distrusting the government. The reason for this is because they were told they would have a say in the decision making and in return the government did as they pleased. Reference HIST2, Volume 1, Kevin M. Schultz- Cengage
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