Term Paper On Borderline Personality Disorder

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Borderline Personality Disorder Abstract Borderline Personality Disorder is a condition in which people have long-term patterns of unstable emotions, including feelings about themselves and others.The purpose of this paper is to elaborate on borderline personality disorder, and to heighten my knowledge on the subject by conducting research and presenting the information found. This is a disorder that affects mostly women. They start showing symptoms in early adulthood. I think this is because women tend to have a lot more societal pressures that play on their emotions and inflict negative self images. First, I will explain what exactly borderline personality disorder entails, next I will present the know causes and symptoms, then I will…show more content…
Of that 10%, about 2% suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder.This disorder usually arrises in young adults, 75% of those affected are females. Borderline Personality Disorder is a serious psychiatric illness. These patients typically partake in multiple self destructive impulsive activities, including: gambling, reckless driving, sexual activities, and impulsive spending habits. It is common for a BPD patient to respond to stressful events with major mood swings, although they only last a short period of time. The patients mood swings can trigger arguments with friends or family which can result in a suicide attempt. This is very common in BPD sufferers, they are often hospitalized on more than one occasion for attempted suicide. Another “symptom” of Borderline Personality Disorder is unstable relationships. A person with BPD has a lot of difficulty establishing and maintaining meaningful relationships. For example, an individual with BPD might meet someone and it would be “love at first sight,” but after a short period of time they become disappointed with the other person. They have a serious fear of being abandoned. This could be due to abuse or neglect as a…show more content…
Not only did it sound very interesting, but a lot of the symptoms sound a lot like me. I know its bad to self diagnose, but I wanted to learn more about this disorder so I could seek help if necessary. After reading the risk factors, it made me believe even more so that I could possibly have this disorder. My parents were never married and were both very into drugs, especially Meth. As a child I didn’t know I had a father until I was four years old and I spent a lot of time at friends houses while my mom was making, using or dealing Meth. One morning, when I was five years old, I woke up and my mom wasn’t there, I was worried so I called the police. She had come back after seeing them pull up at our apartment, saying she was at the store ... But she didn’t have any groceries. I think my family life growing up is part of why I think I may have mild
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