Television’s Effects on Daydreaming and Imagination: a Startling Correlation

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Television’s Effects on Daydreaming and Imagination: A Startling Correlation Psych 101 American Military University Erica St. Germain Taking Notes and Learning Content: An Important Correlation for Students Taking notes is a well-known concept for most students. The ability to retain that content, the correlation in note taking styles and how students learn, and how this all really affects us as learners, may not be so well-known. Understanding this concept can be a major benefit to any learner who desires to produce the best results for their note-taking efforts. Finding how to best learn content by finding how note taking affects different people is essential to quality learning. Taking notes is an essential task every student should do. It serves multiple purposes. The main purpose behind note taking is to record vital information for later use, however, many other benefits reside in recording this information. The act of gathering information from multiple sources, whether from lectures, books or presentations, allow a student to have all vital information in one place for an easy access to this information at a later time. Most students will then use this information for studying purposes. Note taking also has an immediate effect on a student’s memory. Recording information by hand will nearly always increase the student’s ability to recall that information later, even if the student never goes back to review what he or she wrote. Understanding these concepts will greatly aid students in the way they approach note taking. These are just a few of the many benefits of taking notes. (Boch, F., & Piolat, A., 2005) Perhaps the biggest variable in note taking’s effectiveness is the approach a student takes to recording the information. According to Pennsylvania State University (2012), all note taking can be more effective with some small

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