Tefl Course Essay

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1. Match the following Answers a. Sensori-motor stage from birth to 24 months. b. Concrete-operational stage from 7-11 years. c. Pre-operational stage from 2-7 years. d. Jacques Mehler cognitive neuroscientist. e. Jean Piaget Swiss psychologist. 2. Fill in the blanks: a) Babies from bilingual environments develop early learning advantage skills but this may not automatically mean that they will have higher intelligence later on in their lives. b) Each group of bilingual and monolingual learners had to look at screens in anticipation of visual stimulations with puppets associated with sound cues with the image. c) The bilingual babies beat the monolingual babies even when the sound cues changed from nonsense syllable combinations to a structured sound cue and then a visual cue. d) The bilingual babies have an advantage in thinking that involved in so-called executive function which helps regulate abilities such as being able to start and stop activities. e) Early bilingual exposure could train the mind in a more general sense rather than just a language –specified sense as some researchers had suggested. f) According to Mehler since the bilingual babies don’t know how to speak yet, no one can attribute the knowledge of two languages to them. However, the results of the study does not deny the possibility that monolingual babies have plenty of opportunities to exercise executive function. 3. Answer the following: a) How does the motivation factor differ in young learners and adults? Answer: Motivation factor I basically the driving force for persons to attain certain goals. It is comprised of interest, self-confidence, competence and persistence. There is difference in the motivation factor in young learners and adults. Adults are
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