Technology - How It Changed The World

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Close your eyes. Imagine a world without technology. It will be a world without innovation, a world without creativity and imagination. So can you imagine it or even live it? Technology revolves around everyday. From that projector on the ceiling, to the computer on the desk, to even that pen in your hand, some sort of technology has gone into it to creating that product. Let’s take a journey back into time, to the good old days, the 1900’s. Up until this period, technology has been laying low. Well, ok there was the invention of electricity, but know one knew how to utilise it and I believe in taking an idea and expanding it in infinite amount of ways. The 20th century. This century was the pinnacle of technology. From atomic bombs to cell phones, the technological developments of the 20th Century have been profound, both improving our lives and endangering us. I have chosen a few of the technologies in the 1900’s that fascinated me the most. OK so first of all the invention of the car. It is undoubtedly one of the most radical innovations of this century. A car, in its early stages, was highly expensive, only the best of the best could afford such a luxury. After the introduction of labour and the assembly-line system, affordable cars were made, leading to drastic changes to society. Personally I don’t know how I could live without a car, it just wouldn’t be possible, and I can’t even imagine what would happen to me. Airplanes. The Wright Brothers' first-ever flight of a motorized airplane in 1903, introduced the era of flying into the sky. The jet engine, the supersonic flight, fighter aircraft and space travel all are rooted in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina which was the site of the achievement of the Wright brothers. Without these airplanes we wouldn’t be able to see our families in other countries. We would have to take out ships and sail to them and

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