Technical Cert 14 Person Centres Approaches

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14 TC 1.1 Person centred approach is a system by which the individual has complete power of their own lives to the best of their ability, and the support system being tailored to suit them and to allow them to achieve their goals and make their own life choices. 1.2/1.3 The focus of social care work should always be the wellbeing and quality of life of the individuals being supported and cared for. Therefore, person-centred approaches should be taken in all aspects of the services provided for them. This is particularly important for individuals with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and mental health issues in order to empower individuals to lead a fulfilling and independent life. Providing support for vulnerable individuals should always be aimed to respect privacy, rights and choices and recognise the importance of individual values and diversity. This also highlights the importance of communication in awareness of the individual’s needs, their preferences and choices. Empowering individuals to make choices and decisions about their own life and to set and achieve goals means an independent life can be supported. 2.1 Communication is essential in person-centred approaches as it is a vital tool is assessing an individual’s preferences and choices as well as the needs they express. This may include sharing decision making with the individual being supported to ensure their choices are incorporated into the care and support they receive. This also makes it possible to set goals and make plans to achieve person-centred outcomes. Introducing new activities that are enjoyable for the individual as well as providing opportunities for them to learn new skills or expand their social circle in community activities are possible ways of supporting person-centred outcomes. All plans should always be made in relations to what the individual chooses and needs and

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