Synthesis Essay "The Most Powerful Question a Parent Can Ask"

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The short story called, "The Most Powerful Question a Parent Can Ask..." by 'Neil Millar' shows the most respectful approach of parents to their children rather than "Be-ers and Doers" by 'Budge Wilson' in many ways. I feel that the story by "Neil Millar" is told in a calmer manner of speaking rather than the one written by "Budge Wilson". Everyone grows up differently but the effects grow depending on the matter of time when you are taught to become responsible. Every parent teaches their child different aspects at different times. Some are earlier than others and some must be later. In the short story, "The Most Powerful Question a Parent Can Ask..." by 'Neil Millar' shows the most respectful approach of parents to their children because when they talk to their children, they make them understand in a calm voice and not be all tensed which will just confuse the child. Also they make their children understand by not forcing them to do chores, but telling them how responsibility will grow on you later in life, and eventually you will have to learn it at some point of life. They explain to their kids much more in a depth concept which makes their kids want to learn so they will be well prepared for the future. "Parents are guides and leaders to their children, not a nanny." Parents show their children and make them realize how important it is to learn it and they keep pushing until they want to learn it because it is only your parents who truly love you. Neil Millar starts his inspiring essay by setting the scene of, "a loving parent striving to give your children the best life you can offer", this is relating to most parents with their children. Neil is mainly setting his goal to help parents, "raise well-rounded, confident, considerate children that show gratitude and appreciation for all that is give to them". It is very clear that he shows that it is important

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