Synthesis Essay On Gun Control

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Enye Synthesis Paper Learn to Keep Living “Roughly 16,272 murders were committed in the United States during 2008. Of these, about 10,886 or 67% were committed with firearms” (Source A). There are many overwhelming statistics regarding gun violence. The presence of guns in our country endangers the lives of American citizens. Guns are barbaric and cause chaos, therefore, Congress must learn from past shooting and institute constitutional laws to insure the safety of the American public. The barbaric nature of the gun is represented in Source C. In this cartoon, the cartoonist, Rainer Hachfeld illustrates on the right, a representation of a man in the National Rifle Association. The man holds a gun in his hands. On the left side…show more content…
Healy and Frosch begin Source A by introducing the main cause for the new focus on gun control, the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School. This shooting has sparked debates all over the United States but heavily in Colorado. Colorado itself has faced major tragedy recently, the Aurora Theater Shooting left twelve dead and a nation stunned. In addition, in 1999 Columbine High School in suburban Denver was attacked. With this extensive history of gun related tragedy, and a gun favoring majority population, Colorado has become a testing ground for new laws on gun control. Source A concludes by saying “ ‘It’s different now because children are being butchered in schools,’ said Dave Hoover, a police officer in Lakewood, Colo., whose nephew A.J. Boik was one of the 12 people killed in Aurora. ‘Because kids were killed at a movie. Because families went to church and were gunned down.’ ”(Source A). Shootings do not just affect the victims but their families as well and the only way to stop the massacres is to enforce stricter gun laws. Such as the ones proposed by Democrats, such as Gov. John W Hickanlooper are calling for stricter gun laws, pushing for universal background checks for all gun sales. In general, Democrats support background checks for private, person-to-person sales. They are also attempting to restrict high capacity magazines (Source…show more content…
“As much as gun control advocates might wish otherwise, their attacks are running out of ammo. With private firearm ownership at an all-time high and violent crime rates plunging, none of the scary scenarios they advanced have materialized” (Source E). Source E goes on to advocate for the National Rifle Association, which supports gun ownership. The source justifies the NRA’s actions by saying they do not support the selling of guns to those with mental issues and supports reasonable background checks. The author of Source E also provides facts to support guns, “National violent crime rates that soared for 30 years from the early 1960s began to decrease markedly since 1993. Last December the FBI reported that murder and other violent crime rates fell again by 6.4% during the first half of 2011 compared with the same period in 2010”(Source E). But the statistics pro-gun control are overwhelmingly
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