Supporting Children with Disabilities in a Long Daycare Service

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Supporting Children As this is my 5th year working with children in a long daycare service, I have had the privilege of caring for a variety of temperaments, personalities, and disorders. We believe that caring for children is anti-bias and that each child receives equal care, though not all children are the same. In this time we have had 4 children with disabilities that require different methods of communication one being Makaton (this required me to take a beginners course outside of work), some other methods involved seeking referrals for specialised care, and outside assistance. We have used varied methods of communicating with parents and children, like communication books, interpreters, pictures, home made books (photos), songs and just taking time to sit and watch hand gestures and movements (learning the child). As part of the development of children we like to allow the children to progress at their own rate, with that said we encourage independence and promote self selection activities like; toileting, hand washing, drinks, tissues, selecting ones own choice in food (older rooms and to a degree toddlers, we offer selection but not self serve) Children are encouraged to make their beds and put their belongings away, though this is a developing stage we always offer assistance, to ensure success. As part of the ELYF program we have daily discussion on topics of choice, in this time we like to encourage talking about feelings, likes and dislikes, and ways to promote positive behaviours, children from the earlier years learn very quickly the, “Stop I don’t like it” response, and this is encouraged and modelled by the older children. By evaluating and adapting methods that are discussed at staff meetings and with parents, we constantly strive to support children to grow and model positive behaviour and always give specific

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