Skinner Essay

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What would be the advantages and disadvantages of this “baby box”? The advantages is that it allows for controlled experiments, the infant can get a sense of not having someone there hand and foot which is usually the case, and it can be modified for use with other infants. The disadvantages would be the child doesn’t get to share a bond with the caregiver, the infant has to learn how to feed him/herself, and that there is no physical connection between the infant and the caregiver. The advantages that the baby box has are that it gives the child a clear view of independence and not to want for others to do for them. The disadvantages of the baby box were that the baby box facilitated mothers’ care of babies. Would you raise a baby using this? Why or why not? Personally no I wouldn’t use the baby box because it’s not safe in my opinion. I would like to have a physical connection with my baby, and also be there hand and foot when he/she needs me. Based on the baby box, what modifications might you propose for other baby apparatuses—high chairs, playpens, etc.? I would say that since the baby box was somewhat effective, they should try these same effects on the highchair and playpens etc… Being that in the highchair the child usually feds themselves but there is help from the parent. The playpen gives the child play time with themselves and their toy, but still their not cramped in a box bored. Do you think it is ethical to raise a child in a baby box? No personally I don’t feel it’s ethical to raise a child in a baby box. I just don’t like the idea, the infant doesn’t get to physically interact with people and it’s just plain stupid in my
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