Supply Chain Case of Ikea

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IKEA has two kinds of suppliers through the world. In our opinion, IKEA maybe think that suppliers sometimes can’t have enough materials to supply for manufacturers or the products of suppliers is not various like sub – suppliers so IKEA chose some sub – suppliers not only to help suppliers in some difficult situations but also help IKEA reduce the risk when it needs products. In the period to choose suppliers, IKEA also set of some conditions: - Legal Suppliers must comply with national laws and regulations and the protection of the environment, working conditions. - Working conditions Suppliers must: • Provide a healthy and safe working environment • Pay the legal minimum wage or the local industry standard and compensate for overtime • If housing facilities are provided, ensure reasonable privacy, quietness and personal hygiene. Suppliers must not: • Make use of child labors • Make use of forced or bonded labors • Discriminate • Use illegal overtime • Prevent workers from associating freely with any workers’ association or group of their choosing or collective bargaining • Accept any form of mental or physical disciplinary action, including harassment. - Environment and forestry Suppliers must: • Reduce waste and emissions to air, ground and water; • Handle, store and dispose of hazardous waste in an environmentally safe manner; • Contribute to the recycling of materials and used products; • Use solid wood from known areas and, if possible, from sources that are well managed and preferably independently certified as such. Suppliers must not: • Use or exceed the use of substances forbidden or restricted in the IKEA list of 'Chemical Compounds and Substances'; • Use wood originating from national parks, nature reserves, intact natural forests or any areas with officially declared high conservation values, unless certified. Besides the
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