Summary: Week 5 Assignment

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Week 5 Assignment Adewale A Zubairu ETH/125 June 8, 2012 Instructor: Carol Agurs Growing up as a black man in the United States has been anything but “a walk in the park”. There have been many hurdles to jump and many barriers to break down. Through all this, a new generation of people has evolved and I am proud to bear witness to it. Though there is still a long road ahead, there have been many milestones that have been reached. Throughout history, there have been many significant experiences blacks have gone through to get to where we are today. From slavery to being elected to the highest office in the land, this is a remarkable story of pain, struggle, perseverance, and the search for an identity. From the day Africans stepped…show more content…
One law in particular was designed to placate blacks by making them think they were equal. In 1896, the U.S. Supreme Court endorsed segregation in “Plessey v Ferguson” (, 2012). This established a “Separate but equal” principle. It stated that all negros must be separate in public place, yet they would be considered equal to whites. They would be treated the same and given the same opportunities. It sounded good tin theory, but it was unrealistic in application. Studies were done and found that blacks were always separate, but never treated equally. Civil rights groups began to form and blacks began to fight back against the injustice and malpractice of this legislation. The “NAACP” was at the fore-front of many of these fights. They began doing studies on how blacks were being treated and devised a plan. They decided to challenge this legislation by focusing on education. They desegregated many universities. They then went after the right to vote. They eventually directly challenged the 14th…show more content…
has been a very complicated one. We are people who are looking to re-establish ourselves in a land that originally was not ours. We speak a language that was not initially out native tongue. With all of these trials and tribulations, we have managed to come to terms with what has happened. We are focusing on ways to re-invent ourselves and grow as the new people we have become. We are proud Americans and are greatful for all of the liberties this country has to offer. Regardless of the path it took to get here, and the struggles for equality we go through today, this is still our home and we are not going
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