Summary: Traffic In The City Of Kelsey

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Traffic in the City of Kelsey Individual Assignment Week 2 March 17, 2014 ACC/574 Dr. Patricia Scales, Professor By: Jeanne Cunningham Braddy Introduction Kelsey is a city in the United States of America famous for its beauty that has been utilized by its mayor to develop several parks in the city. The city is developed by a well-structured master plan of house building. Every community in the town is developed properly and offers parks, schools, restaurant to each part of the city. The city in recent times is facing some traffic problems, and the numbers of accidents have risen in the past couple of years. The mayor of the city has been asked to bring improvements in the present road structure by developing new roads or extending…show more content…
The budget is divided into two components first is the expected revenues and second is the expected expenditures. The objective of planning a budget is to anticipate the outcomes logically, realistically and in a detail so that no impact is being overlooked. The main aim for developing a budget especially for the government authorities is to make sure that the funds of the people are not over spent and everything is being done within the limits of the budget. A budget will enable the government authorities to make sure that all the projects are completed within the amount of finances provided by the Federal government for development in a town or city. The transportation used in the city is provided for helping the citizens to make their movement easy but the transportation service uses gas as fuel. The burning of gas produces harmful smoke for the charming beauty of the City of…show more content…
Performance may be judged by a certain program's ability to meet certain objectives that contribute to a more abstract goal as calculated by that program's ability to use resources (or inputs) efficiently—by linking inputs to outputs—and/or effectively—by linking inputs to outcomes. A decision making—or allocation of scarce resources—problem is solved by determining which project maximizes efficiency and
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