Summary Of Policing In America

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Summary of Policing In America Chapter’s 1 – 3 I found chapters 1-3 of “Corrections in Brief” to be very insightful as to how corrections was formed, and how it has transformed into the industry as we know it today. When I first began reading these chapters, one of the first questions I had was “how is corrections defined?” After reading chapter one I learned that corrections is defined as an institution in which society send those members who are in violation of established laws. I think one of the main purpose of corrections is to hold violators of crimes accountable for those crimes that he/she commits against society. And the main focus of corrections should be on rehabilitating violators of the law from a life a crime, while teaching…show more content…
This is referred to as “social control” and its intent is to force those living in the communities to act in a way that is in line with the social norms and in accordance to society rules. “Of those various ways that societies and their members try to control behavior, criminal punishment is the most formal, for crime is perhaps the most serious type of behavior over which a society must gain control” (Clear, Cole, Reisig, and Petrosion, 2012, p. 8). This implies that corrections assist our society in determining those behaviors that are considered acceptable. However, as Emil Durkheim suggest, “crime is normal and that punishment performs the important function of spotlighting societal rules and values” (Clear, Cole, Reisig, and Petrosion, 2012, p. 8). I am in agreement of this, because it is obvious that crime will continue to happen, and as a society we must find productive ways of address the issues and dealing with those individuals in violation of established…show more content…
“A given correctional agency will sometimes take actions that do not seem best suited to achieving fairness or public protection. At times, correctional agencies may seem to work at odds with one another or with other aspects of the criminal justice process” (Clear, Cole, Reisig, and Petrosion, 2012, p. 11). In spite of this, our correctional institution have a give-and-take relationship with the environment in which it operates. What this means is the practice within corrections affect the community in which it operates, and the values and expectations of the community affects how corrections operate. “If the prison system provides inadequate drug treatment, offenders return to the community with ther same drug problems that they had when they were locked up” (Clear, Cole, Reisig, and Petrosion, 2012, p.
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