Summary Of Aint No Joke

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Author Keith G. Wright has released the latest addition to his "Aint No Joke" series. Unlike hisprevious two books - one about being a successful parent and another about surviving the teenage years - this one is about something hes never gone through...being a woman. Does aman - or even this man - have what it takes to write a book about the struggles and roadblocksthat modern women face on a daily basis?" The World of Women Aint No Joke: Beautiful, Intelligent, & Powerful in an UnforgivingWorld" is a look into the realities that women throughout history have faced. From the times of ourforefathers (or foremothers) fighting for equal rights to todays woman who fights a glass ceilingand the derogatory entertainment media, the female…show more content…
Violent crime, divorce, AIDS rates, andlack of education are only a few of the problems. Wright advocates American women to take thelead on and fight globally. I think his most astounding point in the book is made when parallelingthe modern womans current plight with the downfall of Black America. "Women and BlackAmerica shared a similar rise throughout the Civil Rights Era, and it appears, at the current rate ofdegradation, they may share a similar Black America is spinning out of control, and outof relevance...and Americas women seem bent on blazing the same trail, eyeing a very similarfate." He also notes the double standard on racial slurs - Don Imus words still ringing strong in ourears but D.L. Hughleys comments on Jay Lenos show were heard by millions but no public outcry ensued. "The World of Women Aint No Joke" is not at all what I expected. Admiration coupled withinspiration and motivation, his writing reaches across the boundaries of race, religion, and evengender. I found myself more and more intrigued as I got deeper into Wrights message in this bookof empowerment. Women of all ages are sure to find "The World of Women Aint No Joke"informative and eye-opening while men can learn to be more respectful sons, boyfriends,husbands, and
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