Summary: Critique For APA

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Critique for APA and ACA Kami Pringle Grand Canyon University: PSY-460 January 16, 2015 Critique for APA and ACA The American Psychological Association, APA, is a large organization that provides useful information for not only scientist but also for educators, clinicians, students and consultants. The American Counseling Association, ACA, is more focused for counselors. Both websites contain useful information and are relatively easy to navigate through. The American Psychological Association was founded in July 1892 by a small group of men interested in what they called “the new psychology.” It is considered to be the largest professional and scientific organization with an estimated amount of 130,000 educators and researchers, consultants…show more content…
The American Psychological Association website was located easily by Googling the abbreviation of APA. However, the American Counseling Association was slightly more difficult in that I had to actually spell out the whole title. Out of curiosity I conducted web searches on both organizations using Bing, Google, Yahoo, Wikipedia, Ask, and even DuckDuckGo. Each search engine required me to input the entire name for the American Counseling Association which I find slightly inconvenient due to the fact that, in my opinion their website was much more informative and easier to use then the site for the American Psychological…show more content…
Membership in the APA commits members and student affiliates to comply with the standards of the APA Ethics Code and to the rules and procedures used to enforce them. The Ethical Standards set forth enforceable rules for conduct as psychologists. Most of the Ethical Standards are written broadly, in order to apply to psychologists in varied roles, although the application of an Ethical Standard may vary depending on the context. The Ethical Standards are not exhaustive. The fact that a given conduct is not specifically addressed by an Ethical Standard does not mean that it is necessarily either ethical or
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