Successes And Failures Of Democracy In Germany

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3) Account for the successes and failures of democracy in Germany in the period 1918/1933 The Weimer Republic was doomed to failure from the outset. The quote from historian and journalist Sefton Delmar “Germany democracy was born with a hole in its heart”, has immense accuracy when post-war Germany is evaluated. The creation of a completely new and foreign form of government aggravated Germany’s post war position. Struggling with political, economic and social strife by the end of WWI, did not allow for a powerful government to be formed. The crucial weakness of the Weimer republic lay not in the strength of its enemies but in the striking absence of its friends. Germany had enjoyed relative stability throughout 1920-1924, it was later realised as a veneer of stability and would crash following the collapse of wall St. there was still many latent, structural problems ready to surface once trouble struck. One of the key reasons for the demise of the Weimar Republic was that the post-war situation was not conducive to the creation of a radically new system of Government. Mostly, Germans had no say in the new government and it was strongly forced upon, the Weimer republic was the only hope they had in order to bring back nationalism and stability at the time, although during the 1920’s, all it could be seen as was an unstable democracy, with little support. Temporary successes during the Weimer republic includes the foreign policy, Germany is finally invited to join the league of nations, this represented change as it stated it the treaty of Versailles that this was not permitted. The Kapp Putsch in 1920, was a revolt against the government and is seen as another political development seen as a success for the Weimer republic. Because of the treaty of Versailles, the army had been reduced to 100 000 men which upset majority of the people, in this there were a
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